Lithia Chevrolet of Redding

Apr 8, 2022

On the rare occasion when a transmission runs into trouble, it puts you and your passengers at risk. Your transmission serves to transfer the power of your engine to the wheels, without which you’ll eventually grind to a halt. Let’s take a look at the consequences of a failing transmission, and when you should visit your local Chevy dealer for transmission repair.

Reduced Handling

If your transmission runs into trouble, your handling will suffer in various ways. You’re likely to feel strange vibrations and experience altered shifting patterns. If the trouble lies with your transmission fluid, then you might find that you can’t accelerate as rapidly. All of this reduces your vehicle’s responsiveness, which is dangerous on the road.

Slipping Gears

An even more disconcerting result of transmission problems is slipping gears. Here, your gears might become resistant or even impossible to change. Slipping gears might even begin changing all on their own. Needless to say, a problem like this should be fixed as soon as possible.

Slipping gears can be caused by overheating, rounded out gears, solenoid trouble, or problems with the torque converter. Most of these issues originate in problems with degraded or insufficient transmission fluid.

Wheels Not Turning

Certain extreme faults might cause your transmission to fail altogether. In this case, your engine could be running perfectly well with no power transferring to the wheels. The cause of such complete transmission failure might be relatively minor, like a faulty pressure control valve or a problem with the clutch. It might also be caused by something more serious and expensive to repair, such as a complete transmission breakdown due to overheating.

Signs of Transmission Trouble

You’ll usually become aware of any transmission problems long before they develop into something very serious. Keep an eye out for mysterious pools of leaking transmission fluid, which is usually a reddish or brown color. Grinding sounds while changing gears is always a sign of trouble. And never ignore any burning smells, which might point to an overheating gearbox beneath you.

After years of driving your car, you’ll be well attuned to how it feels while changing gears. If you ever notice any sensation of delay or resistance while shifting, that might be the first sign of slipping gears. Fortunately, transmission issues will almost always be picked up by your onboard computer monitors, in which case you’ll see the “Check Engine” light flash up on your dashboard. It’s wise to always pay heed to this warning and take your car to a technician.

How a Chevy Dealer Checks Your Transmission

After topping up your transmission fluid, a technician will interface with your onboard computer to retrieve data about your transmission and its various components. They use this data to identify potential problems, and then take your transmission through a long checklist of detailed inspections, which includes a test drive. By the time they’re finished, they’ll know the exact condition of your transmission and can repair any parts in need of attention.

Have a certified professional inspect your transmission today at Lithia Chevrolet of Redding. We’re a trusted local dealership with friendly, highly trained staff who are committed to providing the region’s very best customer service.

Photo by Hebert Santo: